Tax PlanningTaxation

Payroll Tax

Payroll tax is a self-assessed, general purpose state and territory tax assessed on wages paid or payable by an employer to its employees, when the total wage bill of an employer (or group of employers) exceeds a threshold amount.
Martin Co
July 21, 2017
Home LoansInvestment

NSW Stamp Duties For First Home Buyers

The NSW Government has developed a new package of measures designed to improve housing affordability across NSW. These policies take into account the difficulty that first home buyers face in entering the market, the state’s growing population and the need to ensure that development occurs close to essential infrastructure such as roads, railway lines and schools. The NSW Government’s comprehensive package to improve housing affordability is focused on helping first home buyers, who often face stiff competition from investors. For first home buyers, this comprehensive package will: Abolish stamp duty on all homes up to $650,000 Give stamp duty relief…
Martin Co
July 10, 2017
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