Key Taxation dates in April 2018. Please Contact MartinCo Edgecliff or Hurstville for more information.

Andrew MartinApril 9, 2018
Key Taxation dates in March 2018. Please Contact MartinCo Edgecliff or Hurstville for more information.

Andrew MartinMarch 8, 2018
Cash might be king, but the use of cash by businesses is attracting attention from the ATO. It will begin visits of selected businesses to ensure that all tax obligations are met.

Andrew MartinMarch 8, 2018
Bitcoin is “neither money nor a foreign currency” the ATO warns, but it is still an asset that can be treated as income or counted as capital gains.

Andrew MartinMarch 8, 2018
Taxpayers need to be ever-vigilant about bogus calls, text messages and emails from scammers.

Andrew MartinFebruary 12, 2018
In Part 2 of our series on bitcoin, we examine the tax and GST consequences for business; specifically, those businesses that buy and sell bitcoin or mine bitcoin.

Andrew MartinFebruary 12, 2018
Key Taxation dates in February 2018. Please Contact MartinCo Edgecliff or Hurstville for more information.

Andrew MartinFebruary 8, 2018
There has been plenty of press coverage on bitcoin, but what are the tax consequences if you decide to join the craze?

Andrew MartinJanuary 18, 2018