Welcome to the MartinCo rental property information checklist

After submitting the checklist, please email or post the supporting documents to our team

    1. Real estate annual statement
    2. Loan statements for full financial year
    3. Number of days the property was available for rent

    4. List of rental expenses – only supply the invoices/ receipts which are not covered by the real estate annual statement

    5. For new properties, please provide the settlement statement and contract of sale.
    6. Have you obtained a Quantity Surveyors Report in respect to claiming the maximum amount of depreciation and capital allowances on your property? If yes, please provide a copy. If you are not sure what a Quantity Surveyors Report is, please contact us so we may recommend a professional provider.


    I declare that the answers provided in this document are true and correct to the best knowledge at the date of submitting